Taxation Without Justification!
Loudon County Property Tax Hike 16.4%
Mayor Buddy Bradshaw Refused to Veto the Tax Levy Resolution!
These commissioners voted to raise your property taxes!
Van Shaver (5th District) (865) 986-6984 Budget Committee
Gary Whitfield (4th District) (865) 740-3731 whitfieldg@loudon Budget Committee
Bill D. Satterfield (3rd District) (865) 771-4447 Budget Committee
Chase Randolph (1st District) (865) 257-7774 randolphc@loudon
Bill Geames (1st District) (865) 388-0526 geamesb@loudon
Joe Morrison (5th District) (865) 317-3805
$115-Million School Building Projects, $94 Million Middle High School
Loudon County Board of Education and County Commission made assumptions and errors that lead to the property tax increase. Please watch the commission in action:
- Ø No feasibility study and traffic impact study were done to justify the projects/property tax hike.Ø Conversely, in 2006-2007 the PBA study conducted by professionals examined growth and school facilities. This led to a 20 cent/$100 tax hike, $43 million two new schools and renovations program.
Ø The County’s Spending tapped into the Education Debt Service (19 tax pennies @ $260,000 per tax penny) meant for school buildings. Had those pennies remained in the Education Debt Service fund, only six tax pennies would be needed to fund the $115 million school building program.
Ø County spending led to the 25 cent per $100 assessed property tax hike.
Ø Loudon County is no longer in the Top 10 Lowest Property Tax Rates and now ranks 37th overall county property rate out of 95 counties, state-wide. Knox County has a lower property tax rate $1.554. Loudon County’s rate $1.7683.
Ø A misleading public notice in the paper indicated the property tax rate would remain the same rate.
Ø The Budget Committee (Mayor Bradshaw, Commissioners Cullen, Shaver, Whitfield, and Satterfield did not vette, recommend, or vote on the tax increase to fund $115 Million School Building program to Commission/citizens. Budget Chairman Buddy Bradshaw
Ø The Budget Committee did not consider citizens views on the budget from the public hearing violating their own process and state law.
Ø Data used to justify the school shows students increased but State of Tennessee data shows that from 2006 to 2023 there was a decrease of 284 students, not an increase.
Ø The LCBOE bought 80 acres located on Hwy. 321 for $2,200,825 for a new school in Sept. 2006. It was sold for $2.02 million Sept. 2021, at a LOSS. The property was sold to a developer.
Ø The LCBOE used taxpayer money with these two land deals and used poor judgement.
Ø The LCBOE bought 34.36 acres from First Baptist Church Lenoir City (FBCLC) for $1,825,000. 6.46 acres was previously owned by the church. FBCLC originally purchased the Harris property (27.9 acres) for $925,000 for church expansion. This included the LCBOE constructing a ‘driveway’ access road from Simpson Rd. to Highway 11; a 500 space Parking Rights Agreement whereby the LCBOE will pay for the parking and then share with FBCLC on Sundays; and, 310,000 cu yds. (est. 15,000 dump truck loads), of free dirt to FBCLC that our county should have used as cover material at our county landfill instead of being given away to enhance FBCLC property. - Ø Commissioner Van Shaver is a member of the First Baptist Church Lenoir City. Shaver did not abstain or disclose his conflict (real or appearance) when he promoted and voted for the LCBOE funding $2.6 million for the land and related expenses, and $3 million for architectural fees to get the ball rolling.
Ø LCBOE did not consider alternative solutions, architectural firms or prioritize school buildings projects.
Ø No plans were presented on how to fill (10th – 12th) grades at the new north high school and no operational budget was included for the proposed new middle high school.
Ø The average class size in county schools is far below state standards, so there is space for student increase.
Ø There was no proof of a need for a new athletic field, turf and auxiliary gym $6.782 million (no room for a track) at the Greenback PreK-12 School, which graduates 50 high school students, annually.
Ø Concord Baptist Church is planning to build an 8-12 grade school at no cost to taxpayers.
- Ø No feasibility study and traffic impact study were done to justify the projects/property tax hike.Ø Conversely, in 2006-2007 the PBA study conducted by professionals examined growth and school facilities. This led to a 20 cent/$100 tax hike, $43 million two new schools and renovations program.
What did citizens ask the Loudon County Commission to consider before they voted the tax increase?
1. Pay to have an independent feasibility study, student assessment and traffic impact study.
2. Publish the traffic study, process whereby such extravagant plans were conducted and by whom.
3. Suggest waiting until the impact of the Governor’s School Voucher program can be realized on enrollment before initiating these projects and lower interest rates.
4. Review the open enrollment policy, and the impacts of such low ratios.
5. Prioritize K-12 students; Pre-K voluntary program should only be offered if space is available.
1. The State legislature plans to propose legislation that gives the people the right to vote on property tax hikes, we need to get behind this legislation in the legislative session.
2. Call the six County Commissioners especially if you are in their district and the mayor (865-458-4664) and ask them to roll back the property tax increase immediately and do not issue bonds.
3. If you do not know what County District you are in, download the app and follow the instructions or check your tax bill.
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