Educate* Motivate* Participate
This group is dedicated to educating Loudon County taxpayers on everything involving Loudon County government that impacts YOU!
We believe in accountability and transparency by our county officials; and, a strict adherence to the Sunshine Law and Open Meetings Act.
Motivated citizens getting involved is essential to foster principled public policy and ethical governance for all. Elected officials, administration and citizens all must work together in governing local communities. Therefore, it is critical for local governments to promote and sustain an environment of responsible citizen involvement.
Citizens participation in their local government meetings is imperative to facilitate a more responsive, accountable, and inclusive government. Please look at our calendar section and make a point of attending public meetings and letting public officials know your opinion. If you cannot attend a meeting please watch it on you tube and provide your commissioner or other officials with your opinion via phone or email.
Thank you for your interest in making Loudon County a better place through your involvement.